Robert Burns and Auld Lang Syne
I bought a Robert Burns book of poetry for myself for Christmas. At the time, I had no idea the song Auld Lang Syne was penned by him....
When Lightning Strikes...You Write!
Last night was a rough sleep. I guess with my son and I both fighting sickness and both on antibiotics the meds are disrupting our eating...
Let There Be Edit
So I wrote this book in one month. Unfortunately I'm not one of those authors who writes perfection and never has to edit. Poetry? Sure....
Name Thyself
As the new year approaches, I have selected my word of the year which is joy. In the last post, I went into why I picked that word. Then,...
Digging for Gold
A few posts back or so, I explained how some published authors pray at the end of every year and find a word for the upcoming new year. I...
Poetry Reading
Yesterday I was privileged to take a short tour with the end prize being a glimpse of the Tennessee River. What a sight. This river got...
The day after Christmas leaves me a little lost. What next? So much hype, decorating, celebrating, and I feel empty after. The lights on...
Light Up with Love
Well, we made it to Christmas! Although it seems the whole world burns around us. Israel and Hamas, Ukraine and Russia...God knows what...
Word Like Gold
Driving around town early this morning at that special time in between when dark relents to light, when dark is before you but a hint of...
Holiday Writing
As we pulled out of our temporary driveway in Tennessee yesterday, the holidays officially began for us. Car loaded to the gills with...