Happy Ending? Your ending.
When I was leading a team of Christian writers, I was always looking for creative ways to spark their creativity. With that in mind, I...
Writing Tip - Read to Write
Freelancing for 20 years, I am still learning. When I took a full-time job 9 years ago I had to release my writing venue. I used the...
Writing Tip - Assigning a Topic
Need practice writing? Assign yourself a topic and write to it. When I was freelance writing for American Greetings they would assign us...
Writing Tip 4
While in college, I wrote an essay about Michelangelo for Art History class. I learned that he had an interesting approach to sculpting....
Writing Tip 3
"Take me somewhere, show me something!" I heard this regularly when I worked at a local television station as the assignment editor....
Writing Tip 2
Why do people suggest that you write through your pain? I think it's because most of us live on auto-pilot. We go to our jobs, school, or...
Writing Tip
Just. Write. More. You will find some great writing advice on social media, the web, and other publications. Anything I say will not be...
Buying, "God Sees and Digs Needy Chicks".
Click here to buy my new ebook.
Starting Over.
Earlier this year the walls of WriterRobbins.com came down! I no longer had the ability to update my site. I couldn't stand the thought...