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A Budding Writer

Today is the day. My little boy is a man. He is 21 and ready to take on the world! I'm so proud of his stellar heart, his wise input, his brawny grit, and spirit of excellence. He is following in my footsteps in a way I never thought possible, he is a budding writer. When he writes a story, you will stop everything and listen. His details and storytelling skills are amazing.

There was a day when he was completely against writing. It was almost like he didn't want to identify with me. I felt insulted and hurt and gave up. Then, I found a paper he brought home from school where he was learning to use adjectives. I was floored by his ability. I knew one day, it would surface.

Next thing I knew he was writing stories one right after the other. Then, my dad taught him a few chords on the guitar and he took to songwriting. He is a natural born lyricist without question.

Today, on his big day, I leave you with part of his copyrighted song that was passed to Nashville last year before we moved here. One day, his name will be known!





Something about the glow of a moonlit highway and a radio,

Has a way of healing my soul.

I let the stereo work it’s ways and solve my problems by playing them away,

It’s been doing that for years.

But lately it ain’t been doing it’s job,

cause no matter how loud I crank it up

she’s still gone..


So I’m just going to swerve this Tacoma in and out of the lines,

drive until I hit the coast or the pines.

but no matter where I go I’ll always I’ll always know that you’re not at home waiting on me,

so I’ll just ride the breeze

yeah I’ll ride the breeze

Happy birthday Nate Robbins. Keep writing and healing bodies and hearts. It's going to be a great ride for you!


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