Be Brave...Say it!
Everyone has an Achilles Heel. A weak point. A vulnerability. Only the brave cover theirs and protect it to the death. Kudos to my dear friend and little sis today who is bravely facing hers. Oh the things that go unsaid in this life. And those things keep us tied up like we have a hook in our hearts. We stay chained to the whims of another until we step up to the helm and take control.
It is an ugly reality. No wants to let go. No one wants to be the quintessential bad guy, but it has to be done for growth. When our hearts are tied to the wrong match, everything is off. Someone may be waiting for you, and that right match may get tired and give up.
My brother is a pilot, and he tells me all the time that as much as it's up to him he won't let the plane go down. I believe it. He has a backbone of steel and stands up to anyone that tries to get him to fly in unsafe conditions. He is a good steward with the planes, the lives of others, and his own life.
That's the way I want to be. A good steward with my heart. Only I know my limitations and where I am emotionally. I can't let anyone else dictate how my life turns out. Time to disconnect that hook, let the wound heal, and roll on to my BEST life. I'm ready. I'm willing. I'm able. And I'm cleared for takeoff! And so are you. Be brave and like John Mayer croons in his hit song, Say What You Need to Say.
I see you today baby girl, you are strong and I'm so proud of you. This blog is dedicated to you today and the bravery you display every single day in a tough life. You matter! I see you and God sees you.