Birdies On a Branch
Today was the perfect storm of events. It could have blown my anxious personality into hysteria. The winds whipped in and I wavered but didn't let go. Thankfully, I dug in deeper and held on tighter. Just like the picture I snapped today of three little birdies on a branch that would not let go no matter how hard the winds blew.
Battling a recurring, contagious infection, I took a PA's recommendation to stay in town and take the next step for treatment and prevention even though it felt risky. The events that followed of misinformation, incompetence, and misunderstanding tried me to the nth degree! The PA talked me into the procedure and then bailed.
Her recommendation was correct but follow through was terrible. I took a gamble and put my job on the line to follow her advice in a situation that demanded precision timing. No margin for err. After she disappeared the rest of us had to scramble and navigate the procedure.
Yet another medical professional made me feel like I was being too pushy trying to run this procedure down to the ground. At the end of the day I chose to be proud of myself for standing my ground. I watched Toby Keith's last interview with his hometown T.V. station in Oklahoma where he stressed that you have to be the "Captain of your ship" when it comes to your health.
Whatever you're fighting today you are worth the FIGHT! Invest in you and don't let anyone belittle you. Be like me and the birdies on the branch and hold on tight when the winds try to blow you off your perch :-)