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Building a Snowman

I remember my hands freezing as a kid trying to pack in the snow of a 3-tiered snowman. You better have some good gloves for this process. Seemed I always had the knit kind where the snow could get through to your naked skin. Ouch.

The point here, though, is that you can build a man made out of snow. What can we do with ourselves, then? If we determine we want growth in our lives, can we plot it out and make it happen? I'm not a psychologist so I won't get too analytical about how much we can build ourselves. I just know I can take the core of who I am and grow it.

I want to be less afraid of commitment, so I am revisiting things like childhood interactions and the beginnings of insecurity. Yuk. Not fun. But, if it helps me to become the best version of me so I can allow myself to be with someone I love, then so be it. Let's do this :-)

I'm tired of acquiescing so fast when I don't feel good enough for a relationship. Really, it's just an excuse to not be vulnerable. You know, push them out before they get the jump on me and break my heart. This may be my last chance in life to grow up that scared little girl inside and allow myself to be known. Warts and my mom always said.

It takes bravery to square off with a monumental fear like this one and try to build a healthy version of me. If that's what it takes to allow a good man into my life, then I'm all in. Here we go.


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