Can't Stop Talking about Love
I want to say I hate love. But, that's not fair. Nor is it true. I have to admit I wouldn't keep getting back on the proverbial "horse" or "putting myself out there" or go fishing for "more fish in the sea" if I hated love. Right? I wouldn't want to be vulnerable or risk again. Ever again.
Love hurts. That I will say. Well, many have said it. Nazareth the famous rock band from Dumfermline, Scotland said it internationally in 1975. That song hit a squealy nerve because many other artists took a crack at it. The Everly Brothers started the crusade with little to no fanfare. Later on, Jennifer Warnes, Cher, Joan Jett, and Rod Stewart all had a go with it. Just to name a few.
Were they crying for the condition of their own hearts? How many other hearts were they speaking for unknowingly? The secret is in the lyrics. Love hurts/love scars/love wounds and mars. As you can tell, they had me at the first two words. Connecting with the pain of others must prompt some healing process or something.
So, is love bad then? I have to go with no. It's genuinely freaking awesome. Why else would we all figuratively climb up mountains we know we most likely will get pushed off? I think deep down we know that if we attain it, wowser. There's no greater high. It purifies the bloodstream as the hopeful heart pumps out positivity. It washes away all contaminants left from love that went wrong. Toxic love.
As much as I'd like to give up and smash any dreams of love, I probably won't. In fact, my last breath on this earth will likely still be in pursuit of it. I remember my doctor telling me a story of an 80-year-old woman lying on her floor crying because of lost love. No matter what age we are, something in us calls for it, yearns for it, would die for it.
That's what I'm going to do. Set a goal. I will recover. And then what? Unfortunately, reluctantly, exuberantly, hesitantly, and ridiculously I will try again. I am a foregone conclusion. Apparently, I'm okay with it. After all, it's a worthy quest. It is said that God is love. No wonder we can't stop trying to find it!