Drama: Leave it Behind
In my life drama is reserved for only two places, on the stage and in storytelling. There's no room for it in my life. I want to save my energy for things that matter. Like family and loved ones.
This morning a dear friend explained a situation in their life, and I had to weigh in. This person was exhausted and someone was attempting to pull her into their drama. Granted, she loves these folks and would do anything for them but sometimes the fight is not yours. Plus, she needs rest and recovery from a very busy two weeks.
I remembered that yesterday as people attempted to drag me into their drama. I literally walked away. I cut it off and stepped outside for my daily walk. I can easily get pulled in because I care so I've learned to walk away and breathe. I want to be there for people but if it starts to get cra cra, I will ixnay, and saunter away.
Of course, there are things that can't be helped like when a helpless friend is being attacked or walking through substantial challenges. I will stand beside them to the end. Short of life or death, I can't tolerate it.
I have to ask myself, "What is this costing me?" If I feel drained, then that's it. I'm allowing that person to hijack my emotions which will lead me to relinquish responsibility for their situations. I will love them, but silently stay in their life. We can't help everyone all the time. If you need to, have a walk away day. Hope it's productive and drama free :-)