Dream Baby, Dream
When I found myself divorced in 2004, I needed inspiration every day to help me navigate my new life. I bought a card that said, "Dream baby, dream." I posted it in my home to remind me to breathe and that life could be good again. But I would have to intentionally set goals of dreams I wanted to come true.
Looking on a social media platform this morning, I saw that one of my high school friends visited Northern Ireland in the exact spot I did in 2017. That was one of those goals I set to visit England, Ireland, and Scotland and I made it happen.
As soon as I saw her pictures, I knew immediately I wasn't done. In fact, I would like to visit Scotland again. I'd also like to take a train ride through Switzerland. It became clear this morning what my new goal should be. I am going to renew my passport because I'm not done traveling yet.
Traveling has always brought me lots of joy and hope. I love the planning process, the packing, the journey, and the afterglow. I highly recommend that you search out new dreams and go after them. Even if it's just one small act of faith like plotting your path. Have fun and don't limit yourself. Who knows what may come your way?