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Dreamy Dreams

I woke up this morning with one particular dream on my mind. It was so vivid and memorable I had to write it out to sort it out. Remember me talking about journaling yesterday? Real world application.

Anyway, as I recounted it scene by scene the meanings were so glaringly obvious they practically set my soul on fire. I was lost at lunch at one point and a way out was offered but I knew it wasn't time to take it yet. Then I returned to work only to find I had been replaced.

To top it off, a mouthy person was talking about me and turning everyone against me. It was weird how it was all of my fears talking. After writing it out a fear stood behind every single scene. It was terrible inside the dream because I could feel the betrayal, the lost feeling, the trapped feeling, the betrayal and couldn't make it stop.

When I finally woke up, I was so glad it wasn't real but the meanings were definitely intentional. That was the lasting impression, all the feelings involved. Sounds like I've got a journey ahead of me the next two weeks as I climb my next mountain so to speak and leave a lot of heartache behind. However, according to that dream there is more unpleasantness ahead. Yuk. Hope you wake up with better feelings and sweeter dreams lingering in your mind :-)



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