Filling My Cup
Welp, here I go learning another lesson. The lesson is...not to get too involved in other people's lives! Where's that darn shut off valve? I care wayyyyyyy too much about the happiness of too many. I need to keep my circle tighter. Opening up to too many as an empath can make for a miserable existence.
The misery comes from the fact that I desperately want to make those people's lives better and obviously there is only so much I can do. Plus, sometimes the negotiator in me can get involved with both sides of a situation and I know too much about both POVs. That's a recipe for disaster.
I need a pep talk and here it goes. I need to be more introspective right now. To remember that I matter, and I need to focus on my new life. I'm still taking one shaky step at a time acclimating to my new environment.
How do counselors and pastors and pastor's wives do it? I'm so glad I don't have to be in their shoes. I hope they take time for themselves. That's where I'm reining things back into today. Doing nice things for me. Focusing on what makes me happy. You know, filling my own cup. Somebody's gotta do it :-)