Heart Hijack
When I love someone, it feels like they become the temporary owner of my heart. That's an extremely vulnerable place for me to be. Yet an extremely powerful place for the object of my affection to be. Whether he planned it or not, he hijacked my heart.
It was obvious he worked hard to get me on AND keep me on the line. He caught my attention and hooked me with his. Big possibility hints were dropped regularly and then reeled back in the with constant reality checks. But, there was no hope for me once I was on his line. Were his intentions diabolical? I doubt it. Selfishly motivated? Most likely.
There's no sense in beating myself up for letting him steal my heart. It's a risk that comes with searching for love. When you put your heart out there, it's up for grabs. No matter how you warn or almost dare the other person to try to hurt you. I even prefaced this one with a Travis Tritt song, "Can I Trust You with My Heart?" And...here we are.
Once he became the owner of my heart, he unknowingly - or knowingly - worked me like a marionette. Every decision, every move, or even non-movement, was about him. What would he like? What would bring him closer to me? Here's the bigger question, why should I care? The fact that he bailed tells me he's not giving a second thought to my happiness. So why should I care about his?
My next move matters and it should be for me. A strategic part of this healing process is to reclaim my heart. Take ownership. Stop being a victim. I can start by wrangling my thoughts and replacing them. What do I want? What would make me happy? Yes, these are the questions that feel right to me now.
It won't be instant, but healing will come. Over time, I've experienced enough of these to know that time really does heal all wounds.