Insecure Rant
I hate it when people point out my they have none. I tell you what, the more I live the more I learn that everyone has them. They simply remain under the surface until a certain situation strikes.
Something that pushes the magic button. The button that causes that insecurity to pop up. I've seen it in the strongest people. It's just that their insecurities are in different areas. Working around some very strong men and women over the last several years, it seems the most naked insecurity is in relationships.
People can excel at work or study, but when it comes to something they can't control - like another person - they lose control. Yeah, that one hurts. For a relationship to work, a person has to let their guard down and their ugliness out. Yikes.
And they have to trust another human being. That one is not easy, especially depending on your past relationship history. So, kudos to the brave today! The ones who stay in the fight, shield down, heart open, and sword out of reaching distance. I salute you :-)