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Is it Time to Head Home?

This weekend should be interesting. We've only been at our new home for one month. Now, we're traveling back to where we came from for the holiday weekend. It could be too soon. Or not. Guess it depends on our reaction. I'm a little nervous. A month is enough time for things to have changed and people to have went on without us.

I think it's necessary, though. It may help with being separated from my family and friend circle. We can make the drive in 6 1/2 hours so why not? Lets us, and them, know we're just a car ride away. Perspective could be healthy for us right now.

Besides, anything to reduce the grieving. To let our brains process that our loved ones are still there, going strong. No one's died or become incapacitated. We're all still healthy with the ability to visit each other.

Reducing the grieving to a party of one loss would be groovy right now. Not easy as gravy, but still groovy. Thanks for putting up with my word play! Felt good.

Seriously though, I've been writing in a journal, this blahg (a play on blah, blah, blah), reading a book called "Rising from Defeat" by Sherry Anderson, listening to Joel Osteen, visiting churches (thank you Marty and Tracy Layton in Nashville!), and praying continually. And bleeding out my tears as they surface. Recovery is imminent. I'm a champion for restoration.

I'm kind of like a bulldog, once I lock down on something it will relent; not me. I have moving forward in my scope and I'm locked in on it. I have too much to do to stop and die emotionally. Lots of love to give others and a future and a hope for me. Me and God? We're a majority and we choose to roll on!



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