Digging for Gold
A few posts back or so, I explained how some published authors pray at the end of every year and find a word for the upcoming new year. I learned about this in 2020 and have been doing it ever since. Last year my word was "still".
Looking back, I believe that word was very relevant. As I fought to learn a new job, navigated a new relationship, and moved away from loved ones I rested on that word. For me, it comes from the scripture Psalms 46:10, "Be STILL and know that I am God."
As far as my next word, I've prayed off and on throughout the month of December and one word has stood out...joy. Therefore I'm officially dubbing that my word for 2024. Joy. What a great word. Incites images in my mind's eye of smiles and happy moments.
What does joy mean anyway? I love literal definitions. Many times while writing I have substituted words out. When one sounds off I refer to a dictionary to ensure I am sending the right message with the word I selected.
Back to joy. Merriam-Webster defines it as "the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires". Wow, 2024 should be fantastic.
To dig a little deeper, the Hebrew meaning of the word joy or b'simchah, is being in a state of happiness. However, according to chabad.org, it is closely related to the Hebrew word machashavah which means thought. In other words, you can process your circumstances and choose joy in the middle of them simply by changing the way you think about them.
Boy, oh, boy. This is when writing gets fun! When you dive in and find hidden meanings like buried treasure or digging for gold. If you choose to do it, I hope you have as much fun as I did searching out your word for the year and the true meaning of it.