Let There Be Rest
Interrupted sleep can mess with my mind. It's hard to concentrate or even be nice to people when I'm sleep deprived. I keep going like everyone else, but should I? Sometimes, I think not.
There's power in putting an all stops on life. Not only does your body get a break but so does your mind. It can really affect everything.
I had fun this weekend taking my son to a songwriter's conference and then attending the fest hearing outstanding songwriters perform. But it was an 1 and 1/2 hour drive both ways two days in a row. Come this morning, I had to play catch up.
I really needed this day to sleep in and regroup for next week. Unfortunately, it didn't happen that way. I had to prep my house for the next work week. Then, the audacity of me to want to slow down. Once I got a little extra time I felt guilty for not using it to clean the bathroom or sweep the stairs.
But I think I might lose my mind if I don't relax and try my hardest to do nothing. I need to wind down and relax. Yeah, that's the ticket. I'm going to take a nap. I deserve it. That other stuff can wait. It always waits for me. Teresa out, I'm kicking back for a little snooze. 'Til Tomorrow :-)