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My Prediction: Diversify for Survival

There is no doubt we are living in troubled times. Sure, the United States has seen hard, turbulent, terrible times before. My 94-year-old grandmother loves to school me out of her experience. But most agree that there is a shaking going on in our country beyond comparison. Since 2020, it has become clear to me that you can't put all your eggs in the government basket. Don't bank on government retirement or social security. They are no longer a guarantee.

Down deep in my knower, I know that diversification is paramount. If possible, a couple of retirements from different sources would be ideal. I can't tell you how I know this, but I do. Diversify, diversify, diversify. Obviously, there's no guarantee of anything these days.

The way things are rolling and going, I see our nation headed toward the next French Revolution. It may sound crazy, but how far off base am I? Looting, rioting, and lawlessness are still flooding our streets in some cities. We've already experienced problems with the supply chain for multiple reasons. Businesses are tanking left and right as a side effect of the drama. A lot of the surviving businesses are transitioning to automation.

The day will come when Blue Collar jobs will be few and far between. Things are changing. Welcome to the future. I know it's not my normal blog, but I feel responsible to share something I feel so strongly. Take it as you will, but as for me, I'm taking it seriously and preparing for the inevitable. If you'll do the research you can find what's right for you and your family.



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