Light Up with Love
Well, we made it to Christmas! Although it seems the whole world burns around us. Israel and Hamas, Ukraine and Russia...God knows what else is brewing out there. As much as some of us would like to, we can't change the world. We can, at least, change OUR world.
I hope it's that kind of day for you. That you make someone smile who is down. That you lift the spirits of someone utterly alone. That you hug someone who feels like they just lost their world. These are the gifts that matter.
For 18 years sharing a child on holidays made those days incredibly insufferable to deal with at times. I made it because a friend or a family member always made sure I wasn't alone...unless I wanted to be. Because of the comfort I received, I learned to do the same for others, to pay it forward.
No matter how lost you feel, this doesn't have to be a total loss of a day. You can change it by helping someone else. You've got something to offer that I don't. Only you know what that is. If you're a writer, send out lovely text messages, emails, or write a poem and post it on social media. Share your gift :-)
Instead of hate, we can light up the world with something it desperately needs right now. Love, love, and more love. Maybe we should call it MERCY Christmas. Give people the exact opposite of what they deserve, like God did us by sending us His son as a savior.
Nate and I wish you an amazing Christmas overflowing with love and all the good stuff you dream about. Merry Christmas 2023 Blog World!