Run or Rage?
Is running from pain wrong? There's no law against it. I can't think of anything condemning it other than judgment from others. It's not that they're wrong, per se, I think people in our circle see what we can't. When we're hurt, we have tunnel vision. People around us don't and see the bigger picture clearly.
The only problem with running (in the extreme form like quitting a job, moving, etc.), is it will cost you. And in the long run you can lose two blessings at once. The person and the good job, house, or whatever. No, I know it's not easy to stay and face things. It hurts like h-e-double-hockey sticks! I've had to stay before.
The only way I got through it was to get angry. To start taking note of all the red flags I passed over when I was goo-goo eyed over the man. Amazing how all those negatives jumped into the spotlight and started singing after it was over. The rage that ensued helped a lot. I wish they had Rage Rooms back then! Don't know if you've heard of them but it's a safe environment to demo stuff.
Unfortunately, I have enough experience to say that it hurts either way. You can change jobs, move to another state, change your circle but rest assured you are towing those feelings and memories with you. They are along for the ride and still wield power. To. Destroy. Your. Heart.
Back to my inherited adage, "Timing is everything" and let me top this off with another old saying, "Time heals all wounds." Not sure I buy that last one, but I can say time lessens the pain. Only you know what's right. If you're prepared to take a financial loss and run to another job or place so you don't have constant reminders I get it. Just remember you may be leaving something behind much more important, your supportive inner circle who love you.