Smoking Hot...Flash
Did some editing Sunday and that was fun. After putting into practice what Cat Rambo said, it made the scene so much more interesting. One of the issues I gave my protagonist is that she's going through perimenopause.
To say the least she is smoking hot...with hot flashes! At one point, she has to stand under the ceiling fan to cool herself down. Self-conscious about her own sweaty situation, her eyes are naturally drawn to any other lady in her age range.
So it doesn't slip by her when her BFF has sweat rings under her armpits. And after they have a foot chase tracking down their kidnapping victim, that the room smells like a high school locker room. To me, this is when writing gets fun.
Hope you're staying at it and hammering away to carve out a masterpiece. Even if you don't I promise you can have fun just telling the story to yourself!
Happy writing :-)