Sometimes I just don't have words. I know I'm supposed to post something relevant or encouraging, but there are times when I'm dumbfounded. Yesterday was an up day when I knew how to fill in the gaps. Today, not so much.
This is the "in the middle" time. That time where you've pushed your boat off the shore and you can see land on the other side, but you know you haven't reached it yet. In between two shores. Sounds like a book title, should probably hold onto that one for a future story.
Life is just blah sometimes. There are no exceptional happenings but there are no devastating happenings either. It can't be classified as good or bad. It's just one of those seasons you trudge through hoping to reach another mountaintop experience.
That's where I am. Making daytrip plans and trying to enjoy the new area I find myself in. I wish I could give some words of wisdom or hope but sometimes the answer is simply, "Keep going!"
That's where I was at my last location. I would take breaks and walk or simply sit on the gazebo and stare at the beautiful water. A few great things found me in that place of unknown and discomfort and they got me to the next line on the checkerboard.
I think I'll just take in the scenery and be okay not having an extraordinary existence but take peace in knowing that when you're sitting on a gazebo staring at beautiful water, something extraordinary could be waiting around the next corner.