Stepping Out
I think I'm going to try something new. Like I mentioned yesterday, good things can come out of nothing moments. A couple of folks have mentioned to me that I should try to write a Hallmark movie. Every time it is suggested, I poo poo the idea. Why?
I've dabbled in screenplays and T.V. scripts before so it's not that new to me. I guess it's the lack of confidence that I could have anything original to say. Then it hit me this morning on the way to work as I planned my Thanksgiving alone. My son will be working and I need to entertain myself that day.
I started thinking of ways to serve others. My Christian parents raised me to think like this. I didn't understand the side effect at the time but I do now. It makes me feel good inside! Is that selfish that I get something out of the deal? Maybe. I don't know, but I'm going to do it anyway.
My son and I accidentally discovered a homeless hangout this summer. I'm going to step out and make a visit in the spirit of the holidays.
As I mentally sketched out the details and formed a plan, a Hallmark movie idea struck like lightning. I couldn't wait to type it up. Not only do I have a plan to serve others (hopefully that works out) but I will start a new creative project, to boot. Two birds, one stone. Maybe I'll have some pics to share on Thursday :-)