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Surging Researching

I have to say researching is one of my favorite parts of the writing process. I just dig and dig and dig and usually shovel out a priceless nugget or two. Like this morning.

I'm working on a story with Jerusalem as the location. I'm writing from inside the body of the protagonist and it hits me this man could experience a bug landing on him. Then I can write his reaction to the freedom the bug has compared to him.

Researching that out, I learned there are multiple species of Mosquitoes. After living in Florida for thirty years, I understand this bug above all others. Not only that, I went to Africa on a mission trip and understand the precautions needed to protect yourself from some Mosquitoes that carry diseases like the West Nile Virus.

Man, did these experiences bring the moment to life when the bug lands on his face. Researching is learning and it adds necessary depth to writing. Dig in and find your own nuggets!


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