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Queen of the World of "Un"

This is for the one I love who taught me a valuable lesson.

We are told love is powerful. I believe it. Sometimes it's the difference between life and death. Right and wrong. The wavering elusive promise of acceptance, security, belonging. The allure of it can lead a person to unpredictable actions. Like changing jobs, moving to another state, leaving a path of tears in their wake. Only rushing to their own gulf of tears.

The quest to be loved drives one to unlikely places. Places of regret and sorrow. Love has the power to make one's life the "un" life. The life that is safe from rejection. Loss. Abandonment. Once comfortable in the world of "un" the person has nothing to fear. They hold all the cards. Are in control. Are at the helm. Calling all the shots. Head honcho. The boss. Everyone is under them. And no one can hurt them there.

In the "un" world a person is prone to live out self fulfilling prophecies. Driven outside of the circle of normals, like a spirit lingering because it has no home. The outside is a better fit because the inside is foreign. Uncomfortable. Vulnerability reigns there. Like a giant tornado ready to drill down and wreck everything.

They say the only thing more powerful than love is hate. I say no. Being unloved has the supreme power. It can push a person into the world of "un". Where the queen lives. A queen without a crown. Without a queen-dom. Without subjects. But she is queen. The queen of the broken heart.


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