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Like a Wildflower

I'm feeling poetic this morning and it's all due to my backyard, token wildflower. A couple of years ago I went to a wildflower market in a nearby small town. All the plants there were indigenous to the area. After speaking to many green thumbed vendors, I learned I, too, could be a winning green thumb-er.

I blindly bought their stories and came out a winner. I bought a couple of plants and some seeds. No fail. To me, no fail plants were the same as Jack's magical beans! Unfortunately, the seeds tanked because my neighbor waterboarded them before they got a chance at life.

But the plant I stuffed into the soil??? Just. Wow. Blossoming back after every storm and torrential rain, it beats life, every single time. Today as I bragged about its untouchable propensity to bounce back, I had an epiphany. That's me! No matter what setback plows into my life, through my faith and resilience I always come back. Or at least stand back up and eventually blossom again.

Hope you enjoy my take on it:

Wildflower Outshines

Growing in the brutality of nature you survive,

you stand.

Remarkable talent for life I see me in you,

my hero.

Your existence reaches past the needed,

it thrives.

Your example makes an example of my life,

I shine.

With bent leaves, we stand in the beatings,

leaving marks.

Light that outshines the dark shadows,

we matter.

No one can take us out because of the Creator,

flawless Designer.

You go your way, I'll go mine with pics as proof,

timeless victory.


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