Time for Turnaround
Day 40 and I'm definitely settling in, but the confusion cloud hasn't lifted yet. Regardless, I determined that today would be the day for turnaround. It started out rough as I backed out of my garage in the dark and impacted a tree. More like the tree impacted me! As the bounce happened, a chain reaction was activated.
My lid-less coffee splattered all over my lap, down my torso, and even down to my toes. In a few minutes time, I had to check the damage, change clothes, and clean up the driver seat. What a mess! You'd think I'd have a negative mindset, but I decided to laugh it off.
It felt like a dramatic start to a day I determined was my turnaround day. Ironically, I impacted a tree because I didn't turnaround and look where I was going. I was winging it by memory and overshot the driveway portion designated for turnarounds.
Life has a way of bringing home needed messages, doesn't it? Sometimes I guess you have to go backward to go forward. And you have to look back to execute a proper turnaround. Lesson learned. Even a turnaround requires a quick peek backward and then you're all set.
Message received and I'm moving forward. Looking over my shoulder, making sure the way is clear, and putting myself back into drive. It's time for a new journey.