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Way with Words: Plethora

In an earlier post, I blathered on about word usage. That day, my word was ruminate. For me, that is not a word I hear on a regular basis but what a great word. When a word strikes me that is familiar but unfamiliar I like to look it up.

Naturally, if it's a word that strikes me then I want to find a way to work it into conversation. Practice makes perfect. If I become comfortable with using it, then voila! I've just expanded my vocabulary and probably my writing. Most likely. Well, depends on the character. But I digress.

So, I was milling about the other day and a word struck me. I thought, "Hmm, what a great word!" Man, I wish I could share that word with you, but I forgot it! What? Yeah, forgot. Zippo. I've got nothing. Like pulling a rabbit out of my hat I'm going to choose another one.

Closing my eyes now to see what surfaces out of the dark...drum roll please...plethora. I'll never forget the first time I heard it. I worked at the T.V. station and a handsome, young morning anchor used it and I had to go look it up. I liked it and wanted to use it. Maybe because it sounded better coming out of his mouth. Who knows! That day, I searched it out and added it to my writing repertoire.

Since I'm a Merriam-Webster fan, I will throw in their definition. Plethora: an ample amount or number : ABUNDANCE, PROFUSION. All these years later and it still means something to me! Love it. Keep your eyes peeled and ears open and maybe you'll expand your vocabulary with words of substance too.


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