What's My Purpose?
Over the years I've heard the same question over and over from very intelligent people. "What's my purpose?" Well, I'm the wrong one to ask that question because my answer is too easy. So easy, the complicated mind cannot accept it.
I think your purpose is relationship. First with your Maker, then with everyone in your circle. I feel like your highest calling in life is to offer yourself by using your gifts to serve others. Whether it's at work, helping a homeless person on the street, a single parent in need, an elderly person, a person you meet at the grocery store, etc., etc., etc.
Giving to others is the best drug on the market. And it's free! You can give of yourself, your wisdom, your finances, your experience, or whatever.
One way to give is to be an active listener. It is one of the most powerful things you can do for another human being. It takes the focus off of you and your struggles and spotlights someone else in need. I'm not always stellar at it but I'm aware of it and try to activate the skill as much as possible.
In the end, it all comes down to we need each other. But only the truly honest and truly brave understand this and relent to it. Nobody's got it together all the time. Beat loneliness. Beat hopelessness. Beat self-defeat. Get up and help somebody else up too!