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Write it Out

Writing is therapy for me. There's a reason why therapists tell people going through counseling to journal. It is truly amazing what comes out in your words. It's kind of like buried treasure. For some reason, a lot of us bury our real feelings 6 feet under. Why? We need them to die. To go away and quit breaking our hearts.

Sometimes it's easier to cope if I think those feelings are gone. Sadly, I'm learning they aren't dead when I bury them; they're just dormant. They can be activated in a second. And completely alter my behavior. It's crazy how that makes me feel. Like I'm a stranger to myself. Who is this lady walking around in my shoes everyday?

Then I remember, I know who she is. She's a lady who desperately wants love. A woman who knows she's good and the real deal and can't possibly understand why the men in her life don't see it. And don't fight for it. Yeah, I bury them. Because those dudes don't deserve my feelings or my golden heart.

For now, I will write out those feelings and hold them close to my heart. I care about them. They're mine and I kinda like me. I will use them to make better decisions in the future. Hopefully, I will grow in relationships and find someone who values my feelings as much as I do!


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