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Writing Past the Giant

There are a lot of Bible stories that have circulated and endured in American culture throughout time. One of those is the beloved story of David and Goliath. It's such a good analogy for anything in your life that you find intimidating. Something you can't get around or figure out. That big monster hurling insults and threatening to take you down.

Writing can be viewed as one of those giants. Depending on the writer, that is. Some are young and like racehorses they rush out of the starting gate and are around the track three times before others make it around once. Others are the slow and steady Clydesdales. They take their time and face the journey one clod at a time.

I'm speaking to the Clydesdales today. I know the road before you may look long. That Goliath of published writers is ever before you. Goading you. Throwing insults and telling you that you'll never be published, you won't make it. Questioning your abilities and asking you who do you think you are writing? After all, what do you have to offer that's not already out there?

Goliath is asking the write (ha!) question. What do you have to offer? Answer that question and fight Goliath with it! Keep your mind fixed on that goal. You are enough. You do have something important to say.

One little writing assignment at a time can get you to your destination. Work hard, write every day, and keep labeling yourself, "I. Am. A. Writer." Eventually, you'll hear your own victory cry over your Goliath. And that will be the only voice that matters.



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